
LintContext is used internally by Lint.jl to keep track everything while it is linting. A LintContext is created when you call lintpkg, lintfile or lintstr. You can also create, manipulate and pass your own LintContext for the lint functions to use instead.

Advanced lint helper interface information

  • the context argument ctx has a field called data typed Dict{Symbol,Any}. Access it using ctx.callstack[end].data. Use it to store anything, although you should be careful of colliding name space with other modules' lint_helper. It is particularly useful for storing current lint context, such as when a certain macro is only allowed inside another macro.
  • If your macro generates new local variables, call this:
ctx.callstack[end].localvars[end][varsymbol] = ctx.line
  • If your macro generates new free variables (not bound to a block scope), call this:
ctx.callstack[end].localvars[1][varsymbol] = ctx.line
  • If your macro generates new functions,
push!(ctx.callstack[end].functions, funcsymbol)
  • If your macro generates new types,
push!(ctx.callstack[end].types, roottypesymbol)

You just need to put in the root symbol for a parametric type, for example :A for A{T<:Any}.